Pre-Sale Report

Create a Pre-Sale Report of your Angus Verified animals in a PDF or CSV file for sale as proof to purchasers of the Angus Verified status of your animals.

1. View Angus Verified Pre-Sale Report

  1. On the Angus Verified page, click Pre-Sale Report

  2. Select PIC No. and Mob Name from the dropdown menus

  3. Click Generate

  4. The Angus Verified Pre-Sale Report will display

  5. A list of Angus Verified animals will display

2. Export Angus Verified Pre-Sale Report

  1. On the Angus Verified page, click Pre-Sale Report

  2. Select PIC No. and Mob Name from the dropdown menus

  3. Click Generate

  4. The Angus Verified Pre-Sale Report will display

  5. A list of Angus Verified animals will display

  6. Click Download as PDF to download the report as a PDF file

Last updated